What Does It Mean To Be Saved
What does it mean to be saved? Many people don’t understand what salvation in Christ means and this makes them treat it as being trivial. While others mock those who are saved. And some people who have received this salvation keep going through the process of being saved again and again. This they do because they lack understanding of what it means to get saved.
Examine Yourself and See That You’re in FaithHow prepared are you for this year? This year surely will be great, so we should expect nothing less than greatness. Therefore, engage diligence in whatever you’re doing, expecting God to crown your efforts with great results. However, you must be diligent too in your walk with God. This article encourages you to examine yourself and ensure you’re in the faith.
How to Compile Your ReligionDo you really need to stick to the rules of one religion? Do you really need to find a religion that holds all the answers you are happy with? I believe there is another way to find true happiness and that is to compile your own religion.
5 Powerful Steps To Make 2021 The Most Fulfilling Year Ever!Although many of us may have heard the quote that goes: “Adversity introduces a man to himself”, we got to experience it and live it fully in 2020. Do not worry; I am not going to amplify how most people got impacted by the sudden changes that took place unexpectedly since the first quarter of last year, because I also know people who can certainly say that 2020 was one of their best years so far. Each of us responded to what was going on differently, not realizing that we were only dealing with what was inside us that merely showed up as problems/opportunities in the outside world.
Every Christian Should Have a Big Mouth For God!God invites you to use your mouth for His glory! The goal of the Christian life is to exalt and lift up the name of Jesus higher and higher! This is exciting News! Every Christian should have a big mouth for God. Take a moment to think about how important that is. You definitely want to read this! Start doing what I’m teaching in this article.
God Is Looking For Women To Be A Testimony For JesusGod is looking, looking and looking for women all over the world that are followers of Jesus Christ. God wants you to stand out and let your life be a living testimony about Jesus! Ready? Here’s how to get started! Tell people what Jesus has done for you. Tell people what Jesus can do for them. Do you have that attitude? Do you have spiritual energy to serve Him? Are you hungry to know His Word? Find out right here in this teaching article.
How The Favor Of God Can Open Doors Of Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting ForSomething Good is about to happen to you! How do I know? God wants to give you favor! God knows people you don’t know! God has people in high places that listen to Him that will help you. I’ll say that again. God knows men and women that will open doors of opportunity for you. Today, let me teach you how to walk into your favor by using this very valuable article. Interested?
The Blessings Of Abraham And The Holy Spirit Are Yours This YearA New Year, a new month, a new beginning full of testimonies! God is set to change your story and take you higher in life. However, you need to engage the provisions made available for you. And this includes the blessings of Abraham and the promise of the Holy Spirit.
It’s Expensive To Disobey GodAre you between two opinions, to obey or to disobey God? Then you need to pause and consider your decision very well. Many Christians make decisions in a haste only to discover that they were wrong decisions. However, we can avoid unpleasant experiences if we will choose to obey God all the time. This article emphasizes the need to choose to obey God all the time because it’s expensive to disobey God.
Don’t Let Satan Steal Your Bible FocusThe devil will try very hard to convince you that you don’t need to read your Bible. God wants you to know the Truth! That’s why you have to set your mind and spirit on Him. God wants your Bible reading to be personal. This article teaching will open your spiritual ears. Don’t put it off and don’t depend on opinions. I’m here to help you, so don’t walk into the trap of not stirring yourself up to read your Bible.