Your Spiritual Self: The Super-Conscious or Soul
Many ancient cultures embraced the concept of the mind consisting of conscious awareness (and unconscious) coexisting with the soul or super-conscious. Even though the Age of Reason in the 1700s largely cultivated a belief that human consciousness is merely a living body and a brain, the idea of consciousness beyond the physical seems to be gaining popularity in modern times.
How To Start Each Day With Angels Watching Over YouBeing in Christ provides you with certain rights and privileges. Whether you realize it or not it is written in God’s Word that Angels are sent to watch over you. God is never distant from you! Angels come to help you in your circumstances and problems. Why? Because of God’s influence in your life. This teaching article will bless your life. Yes! Heavenly messengers want to make your life fruitful.
The Best Thing You Can Do Today, Is Follow JesusGod is inviting you to a deeper walk with Jesus! Step outside your comfort zone to serve Him and be a new person with a new purpose. I’m hungry for Jesus! Are you? It’s an amazing and glorious partnership and it’s unlike any other relationship in life. You can make a change! Starting right here! Right now! Don’t wait any longer!
Repent And Believe The GospelGod takes you in spite of the way you are! But you need to repent and admit your absolute dependency on Jesus. You will find that when you are at your weakest point, God is your Greatest Source of Help! God wants you to repent, believe the Gospel and come to Jesus. So what are you waiting for? Please read this teaching article right away!
This Is What God Will Do For You And MeThe Holy Spirit wants to get us going in the right direction. The relationship God wants to have with us will be real and personal. Jesus said, whoever serves me must follow me. What God does for you and me is not dependent on our past. God has new plans for you and me. You can learn about it right here! Right Now!
How To Help Your Faith GrowDid you read God’s Word today? God has given you His Word so you can hear it and declare it to help your faith grow. Now listen very carefully! I’m so excited about this! Your life is going to follow your thoughts, so have thoughts of faith. Keep your focus and attention on the Word of God. Will you ignore it or embrace it? Here’s a teaching article that will help you choose.
How To Walk In The Light Of JesusWhen you walk in the light you move into a whole new and exciting level of relationship with God. You walk in the power of His Word and you have the Word working in you affecting your entire life. Do you see what’s possible? It’s not a coincidence you’re reading this today! Walking in the light refreshes you to keep living for God! Let me help you get started.
Raw Spirituality: Discover Your Concealed Personality Part 5Ultimate spirituality, in part, involves uncovering your hidden personality, the distinct strengths and weaknesses that are underneath your persona. Try as you might, you aren’t really in control of your subconscious mind which greatly influences your behavior.
Why Did Jesus Christ Come In The Flesh?Why would God send His Son to earth as a normal human being to redeem mankind? Couldn’t God have used His power as the Creator of the universe to restore man to Himself? The answer is No. Christ’s coming in the flesh is very significant and important to His mission on earth. This article explains this more.
Why Did Jesus Christ Come To The WorldWhy would Jesus leave the comfort of heaven, where He was God, and come to earth, where He would be mocked and killed? This question when answered will cause you to appreciate the love of God for mankind. And an understanding of the answer will help you hold unto your salvation in Christ. So, in this post, we will look at why Jesus came to the earth.