OVERCOMING THE PAST | Letting Go of Hurt – Inspirational & Motivational Video

Evangelize-Reach Out To People And Win Souls For God

How many people have you shared the good news of your salvation with? Do you want others to be saved? If receiving Christ as your saviour is wonderful, you will want other people to have Him too as their saviour too. Surely, the joy of salvation, you shouldn’t keep to yourself alone. This article encourages you to reach out and win souls for Christ.

5 Important Reasons Why You Should Be An Active Christian

Are you actively engaged as a Christian? Christianity does not end with salvation; rather it’s a journey, which continues till you go to meet with the Lord. So, while you’re alive on earth you must be an active Christian. This post gives you 5 important reasons why you should be an active Christian.

The 7 Reasons To Fellowship With Other Children Of God

Are you actively fellowshipping with other believers? The place of fellowship in the life of a believer cannot be overlooked. This is because the success and victory of a Christian lie greatly in his or her fellowship with other Christians. This post gives the 7 reasons to fellowship with other children of God.

How To Behave Like A Christian O Child Of God!

Are you a believing Christian by word of mouth or by your fruits? Or are you a Christian just because you go to church? Christ stated clearly that you will know them by their fruits. Therefore, if you are a believing Christian, you’re to behave like one. This article tells you what to do to behave like a Christian.

Why Be A Doer And Not Just A Hearer Of The Word Of God

Are you a true Christian? A true Christian is known by his or her fruits, i.e., the behavior that the person exhibits. Every child of God is known by his thoughts, words, and especially his actions. So, you’re expected to be a doer and not just a hearer of God’s words. This article gives the reasons why you should be a doer of God’s word.

Saturn and Uranus – A Test of Potential

This year 2021 marks the final square of Saturn and Uranus, planets who began a dance of high potential in 1988. How are we doing with these energies?

You Have Victory In Jesus Christ Day By Day

You have One that helps you win in life, Jesus Christ the Righteous One! Your victory starts by His Word! When problems get hard, self immediately urges you to quit! You see, to get your victory you must know Jesus and have staying power. Hallelujah! The kingdom of God is all about the reign of Jesus Christ in your life! The devil doesn’t want you to know that! Let me teach you the truth about why you have victory in Christ. I highly recommend this article to sow into your life.

The First Step In Believing Is To Hear The Gospel

Come and get filled with God! How? Hear the gospel! Your whole heart and your whole life must come under the influence of the Word. Every day He’s seeking followers of Christ who believe that the Bible is the eternal, unchanging Word of God. Let me share this teaching article with you. It will help you grow spiritually with godly truth. Hallelujah! This will open your spiritual ears!

Thou Shalt Not

This story is about how a long and winding path led me to a deeper understanding of one of the Ten Commandments, one I couldn’t initially understand why it was even among the ten. But there’s a really good reason, and a surprising one!

Astrology: It’s Only Accurate If You Do This

The majority of people roll their eyes at the topic of astrology. Here’s an example: “I don’t believe in astrology. It’s a lot of crap. I just think that’s another thing you should throw out the window. Mysticism. Cheap. It’s amazing that people still hang on to that after all these years.” Mick Jagger

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