The Pros and Cons of Clearing Your Spiritual Energy
Are you having a difficult time relaxing or sleeping? Not feeling safe or comfortable in your home can indicate it’s time to do a clearing, especially if you feel better away from home. Also, If your neighbors are only feet away their energy could be invading your home.
Fear Of Evil Or Faith In God-What at This Time?Are you afraid of COVID-19 or do you have faith in God that it won’t affect you? Surely, you either have fear or faith in God at this time. And what you have determines what comes to you. So, in this article we will be examining these two emotions to determine what you have.
Read The Bible In A YearOne of the most important things for a Christian to do is to read the Bible daily. Daily Bible reading is important, so you continue to learn and grow in your walk to be more like Jesus. There are many Bible reading programs that people use, all of which are good if they get you reading God’s word every day.
Are You Committed To Living A Godly Life?When God gives you wisdom He sets your mind in a positive direction. You don’t walk with God according to what you feel. You walk by what you know from His Word. It’s an all-about commitment to live by the Word not by the world. This is very valuable information!
Will You Let Me Help You Walk Into The Kingdom Of Jesus?Turn to Jesus and He will open the door to a new, meaningful life to you. This is the greatest opportunity of your life right now to come give your life to Jesus. Be hungry for Him! Here’s how you make sure you’re on the right spiritual path.
“Are You Sending Forth Angels To Watch Over You?”Jesus does some of His best work through unseen angels watching over you. Angels are helping you in many ways right now that is beyond your human understanding. Here’s what you need to know to get angel help!
What’s So ‘Maundy’ About Maundy Thursday?The Thursday before Easter is celebrated as Maundy Thursday. This article seeks to explain what Maundy means and what is the nature of the celebration.
Spiritual Traps That Get You Into TroubleThe trap of ignorance, including spiritual ignorance, leading to bad decisions is an easy and common trap to fall into, so you’re not alone if you’ve done this. You don’t learn about how to avoid life’s everyday pitfalls in school and typically must learn the hard way, through experience.
Tips To Avoid And Clear Toxic Energy From SexSex is a wonderful part of the human experience. Most adults are aware of the potential physical and emotional pitfalls of sex, but few know it’s possible to pick up toxic energy from sex.
How To Come To Jesus And Leave Your Past BehindThe devil is the one who keeps bringing up your past and accusing you of anything he can to keep you from coming to Jesus. God wants you to come to Jesus! I’m teaching you straight here, where your focus should always be.