The Wisdom of Cayce, the Most Documented Psychic
Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) also referred to as the “sleeping prophet” and the “father of holistic medicine,” was the most documented psychic of the 20th century. He gave thousands of readings for over 40 years, often correctly diagnosing illnesses and predicting future events.
How To Get God To Work Miracles More Through YouDo you desire that God should use you to work signs and wonders? If so, know that you have desired a good thing. However, it doesn’t just happen by wishing it, but through taking practical spiritual steps. This article gives the four major keys to working signs and wonders.
This Is A Call To Action To A Soul WinnerAre you ready to answer the call to win souls as a way of life? My earlier posts gave the details on God’s heartbeat, which is soul winning. And now, I want to encourage you to take action and win souls for Christ.
How to Accelerate Your Personal Growth NowWe do not need to add to hatred and divisiveness in the world. The power is in us to become powerful change agents for a new way of living. It starts with stepping away from ego-based demands and embracing our capacity for kindness. When we look at others with kindness, we awaken in them a vision of their true potential so they can grow and change as well.
Criminal Acts and Fate Q and AWe would like to believe that life’s unpleasantness is avoidable, that bad behavior can be prevented, but our long-term findings tell us otherwise. Unique personal adversity, including myriad unavoidable life events and circumstances appear to be part of the predetermined human experience.
It’s Not Good Enough To Say, I’m A Christian ( You Need To Live Like It )If you really want to improve your spiritual life, this article teaching is just for you! Living like a Christian is not a part of life. It is your life! It’s about being God conscious and Jesus gets brighter and brighter through you, and around you every day. Let me share this with you! I give you my word, it’s a life changer!
Hope in These Troubled TimesThis year has been a year of great change, confusion, frustration, fear and uncertainty for the future. Every year has its challenges for us… whether personal, familial, financial or a host of other possibilities. However, 2020 has heaped challenge upon challenge on each of us, which at the very least, is exhausting.
How To Have Supernatural Peace From Jesus ( Through All The Problems You’re Going Through )Are you worried? Are you stressed out? Are you tired of struggling with the same ole problems? I know what you need! There is heavenly help in the scripture from Jesus! A spiritual way to receive a new kind of supernatural peace. Jesus can show up when everything seems to go wrong! Watch Jesus go to work in your life! This teaching article will get you started!
Is The Holy Spirit Telling You To Run To Jesus?Every spiritual benefit that belongs to the believer must be activated by running to Jesus. Your prize is a personal relationship with Jesus! Many believers haven’t learn to win the God kind of way. Let me teach you how to start right where you are! This is a very, very, popular teaching article. Get the information you need right here!
“Reality, What Is It?”Can you trust what you see or are you in a hypnotic state mistaken something that’s not real for something that is real? Can you trust what you hear, or do ears your deceive you at times? What is reality? Is it perception, a dream, or truth?