Whatever Your Battle Is Let Jesus Help You Win It!
Jesus is greater than every adversity and opposition that you may be facing right now. Bring your cares, problems, and concerns to Him! What’s your battle today? Place yourself and your problem in the care of the One who can give you supernatural help. I’ll teach you more about it. Trust me, it’s well worth your time to read!
Lift Up Your Hands To God And Say, I Need Jesus!You maybe weak, tired or discouraged about some things you maybe going through. It maybe fear, depression, confusion or doubt. You maybe searching for directions, solutions and answers to problems and circumstances about your life. Jesus has to move on your behalf! There, I said it and it’s the truth! This article teaching is what you’re looking for!
In Support of PsychicsWe are acquainted with some talented psychics, and some of them don’t do it professionally. In our experience (personally, and as professional psychics), psychics often get the overall idea right, but it’s difficult to put a time-stamp on it, or sometimes the ideas get mixed up in translation, as possibly with the above outlined case.
How To Create Your Own Brave New ParadigmCOVID-19 changed our world forever. There is no turning back, only moving forward. What do you want from life? How will you create it? Here are some pointers to help you navigate confidently and with mature wisdom in the emerging new paradigm.
Are You Washing The Feet Of The Others Like Jesus?What does it mean to wash the feet of others? How often do you wash the feet of brethren? Jesus gave an example to follow if we are to be blessed. And in this article, I share what that example of Christ means.
Money And Spiritual EncountersGod is calling into deeper personal intimacy and divine encounters with Him. He wants to pour out Himself into you as wine. He wants to cloth you with His Glory. However, the qualification for this deeper call is your hunger and thirst for Him. The more you Hunger for Him the more He will cause you experience more of Him. Let the thirst come, He shall be filled with the wine of God.
Jesus Is Your Supernatural ProviderDon’t go around day after day expecting the same thing, the same way. Jesus has greater levels for you. He is not limited by the natural! He has supernatural power! This article teaching has lots of spiritual information that most Christians overlook.
How God Can Get You Out Of Financial ProblemsGod is doing great turn-arounds for people, signs and wonders all over the world! You see, when you seek God, you must do so knowing that He is a Supernatural God! He is Almighty! He knows how to get you out of financial problems! Here’s what you need to know and what to do if you’re in this situation
How to Improve Your Life With Spiritual LawsMany people claim using the law of attraction can help reach goals. Does it always work? No, because there are other spiritual laws, some that supersede the law of attraction, you need to be aware of in order to have an advantage in life.
The Red Sea-A Place Of Salvation And DestructionIn Exodus 14, we have the story of the crossing of the red sea. we learn a lot from this story. So, this article gives the lessons to pick from this story.