Are You The Woman God Is Looking For To Represent Him?
Are you the woman God is looking for? God will use His scriptures to help you grow in the real knowledge of Christ. God wants you to represent Him to the spiritually lost and without Jesus. Does God want you to succeed? Yes! Absolutely! Here’s how you get started.
Jesus Wants To Save You! Will You Come To Him Today?Jesus is both Savior and Lord and He gives us eternal life. The Gospel invitation is offered freely to one and all, but many people are too pre-occupied with other things. Here’s what you can do right now to get saved! A must reading if you want to come to Jesus.
How To Get New Benefits And Blessings From GodIt’s the Lord’s hand of new benefits and blessings on you that sets you up for recognition, promotion, success and increase. When you bring Jesus into your situation, He can cause every bitter experience to become sweet! The information you need is right here, right now! Let’s get started, let me teach you.
Don’t Talk Yourself Out Of God’s Plan For YouGod wants you to know and obey His will. Be a person whose heart is on fire for God! To experience God’s plan for you, you must embrace the opportunities He gives you. He is constantly at work in you, but you have to be listening, watching and obeying. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this article teaching!
Fate or Free Will or a Combination of BothAccording to the theories of reincarnation, karma, and personal fate, your soul selects a lifetime to experience conditions, circumstances, and specific key events prior to your birth in order to learn and understand. You have free will, within predetermined events in your life, to respond and make the most of your circumstances.
How To Build Your Spiritual Life In Christ NowAre you building up your spirit man more than your soul or body? The one you build more determines the kind of success you will have in life. However, building your spirit profits you in all things and promises great things of life now and afterwards. This article tells you how to build your spirit man in Christ.
The Bible Will Always Tell You Who The Devil Really Is!The Bible will always tell you who the devil really is! The devil is the father of lies. One of the tactics of the devil is to get you to blame God for all your problems and troubles. This is a very critical time right now. Why do I say this? Keep reading to find out.
Today! Lift Up Your Hands And Say, Thank You Jesus!Jesus wants you to see Him as the Source of help in every situation. Life is not about who you are, it’s about whose you are. Jesus gives you a totally new beginning with God! It’s not a coincidence you’re here today. I highly recommend you really read this teaching article. Let’s get started.
How To Give Love, Devotion And Loyalty To God’s WordAre you prepared for Jesus to reveal Himself to you? It’s starts with the Word. There are many things about Jesus you will learn but only as you give love, devotion, and loyalty to God’s Word. You see, you can’t serve and obey God and ignore His Word. Interested? Let me teach this article to you.
Is Jesus Your Savior? This Is How You Really Know!When Jesus is your Savior you have the great privilege to have your spirit in union with His spirit. Through your spirit you are always conscious of Jesus. Jesus values your faith in in Him far above any good work you do. Get ready… I’ll teach you more about it.